Monday, November 3, 2014

Hi… Um, it’s me Harriet. 

Sorry, I am taking a shower now. Umm, could you go out for a moment? It’s embarrassing. 

It’s been awhile since I met that guy. I felt it’s just like yesterday. I haven’t heard anything else about him since our meeting last time. I hope that he’s all right.

I am happy to announce that I officially an Immortal Dynasty participant. Well, I don’t know what this is about but it seems exciting. I was lost once but I was found. The one who found me is Dynasty staffs. They’re so kind to a country girl like me. I think I love this place more. 

It’s funny that each participant was given $10.000. My first reaction is like O.M.G! With this kind of money, I might be go to college and such, but that can wait. 

Rules must be obeyed.  Respect my authoritah!

I have my own place and living on my own now. Reed must be proud of me, tee-hee! It’s not the best like everyone house but I like it. Well, it costs around $ 7.400. I tried not to spend all of money that might be needed later. 

We still contact each other through letter, but it seems he’s busy with the orphanage and stuffs. I heard more children are coming. He always replies my letter but sometimes it’s come out late. I always wonder if he’s alright there due to his old age. 

I know, I am a grown up and he had priorities to attend. Sometimes it’s kind of lonely here. I missed my room; I missed Dino, my Dinosaurs friend. Maybe this is thing that people refer as homesick?

He said if I wanted to, I can go back anytime. Maybe someday!  I might not look like the one but I’m not a quitter! Never ever underestimate girls’ power! We are stronger than we look!

One of Dynasty staff said to me that I need to master three skills as one from several requirements.  

I want to be a Chef, but due to lack of skill I’m rejected at the first day when I apply for job. I… I was nervous that time, so many people look at me. So I made more mistake than I should. 

They said that I‘m more fit into a class-clown. I am uncomfortable and very embarrassed that day but I stay calm after I said my magical word: Que Sera Sera. 

That’s okay, no hard feeling. I have Reed and the children at orphanage that always encourage and appreciate me. So, I won’t let them to rule over my world. 

I will be a Chef someday! So, instead giving up I started from the bottom as Assistant Dishwasher.

Taa-daa! This is Scrambled Egg. One of my favorites from Egg dishes! Well it may not like it, but cooking with your heart content will make your cooking more delish. It’s just like a secret spice! 

It has a peculiar taste… No wonder that I was rejected.

Reed was my inspiration to learn painting myself. He said that it’s good for a relaxation when I have a hard time. I will take this as my secondary skill. 

This is my painting. It’s a Llama! How adorable. It reminds me about Reed. He said that my painting is cute and adorable just like me. Tee-hee! He said it’s very important to love ourselves first before you love others. 

I don’t know what he meant, he pats at me that time, that’s alright I will understand someday, so don’t need to think hard, there’s a time for everything.  

If Reed were here, he would say: “Awesome job, my cutie pie.” and gave me his thumb with this intimidating looks. He might be rough and scary outside but he’s a gentleman inside. I wish… I wish I could find someone that just like him.

I also want to try something new like do programming. It seems like cool even I don’t know what 010101 is all about. It’s a kind of code? It looks like a plump and thin person standing together to me.

One day I had a hard time at workplace. I just broke up one plate. I know that I am a little clumsy but they didn’t have to be that mean. That just one silly plate after all… That just like one song that sung by Taylor Swift. They could cut off my earnings instead put those harsh words.

Don’t they know that spoken words also a form of prayer? That could make someone reach their dream or crushed it into pieces. That looks like a double-edged sword. 

Reed always said to me to always be kind to everyone. That’s because everyone facing hard battle through their life journey that we never know about.

We ourselves may not be able to face their battle like them.

Well, when you’re having a bad day there’s your friend. 

- To Be Continued? It may take times but yeah sure. -

Ari’s Note

Let’s see…

Available Stats

Career: Culinary lv. 1 – Assistant Dishwasher
Two Adults Aspiration: Soulmate and Master Chef (not completed yet)
Three Skills: Cooking 1, Painting 1 and Programming 1
Four Rewards: None
Five Gold Medals: Nope
Six Good Friends: Dina Caliente
Seven Different Whims (4/7) 
Heartfelt Compliment (Happy), Vent (Tense), Complain About Boredom (Bored) and Flash Crazy Eyes (Playful).
Eight Items: Not yet
Ambrosia…? Nope.


justproud2b (Desert Family Bungalow)


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